Ten signs of a Christian cult

Ten signs of a Christian cult

January 20, 2019Spiritual Abuse

2 min read

When people leave cults, they don't know that they left a cult.
- Sean Durkin

I once thought that Christianity had nothing in common with cults. However, I learned that even Christian churches can operate as cults.

A cult is a religious group that is false and extremist, with members under the authoritarian leadership of a charismatic leader. A cult leader is one who demands complete surrender and unquestionable obedience. There are far too many Christian churches today that exhibit cultish characteristics.

One of these cultish churches was the one that I attended for years. It didn’t seem that way when I started attending. It’s never easy to detect at the beginning. Judas spent three years in the company of Jesus and his disciples without anyone suspecting the evil that was within him.

Here are ten signs that can help you detect a Christian cult.

Ten signs of a Christian cult

  1. It opposes critical thinking and the asking of too many questions.
  2. The leaders promote themselves as individuals with a very special connection to God.
  3. It teaches that salvation is only maintained by unconditional submission and obedience to the group’s leaders.
  4. It isolates members and penalizes them for leaving.
  5. It emphasizing special teachings that are not actually taught in the Bible.
  6. It demands inappropriate loyalty to the leaders.
  7. It instils fear of demons, curses, and judgment as a way to manipulate and control members.
  8. It promotes exclusivity, saying that it is the only group that holds the truth.
  9. It has an “us against them” mentality, where anyone leaving or opposing the group is treated as persecution, which is then interpreted as validation for the group.
  10. It indoctrinates. The teachings get repeatedly drilled into the members.


If you have found one or more signs to be present in the church you are attending, you may be part of a Christian cult.